Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Camping We Will Go...!!!

Well, it's your Earthly Sunday, and many of you know that Sundays are the Heaven's Gate Farm Picnic Day!  That being said, the gang decided to dust off their Heavenly camping gear and head for the Heavenly hills!!  Slew has a new Heavenly tent, and with any luck, he won't get tangled in it's poles or canvas while trying to set it up.  You see, it's the type of tent that when you throw it into the air, it opens itself up and is ready to go!!  No fumbling with tent poles, ropes, or pegs!  Presto!!  However, I'm sure Slew will manage to create some type of Heavenly snafu with it!  He did get the Flower Picking Brigade to cart a HUGE load of marshmallows, Hershey's chocolate bars and graham crackers.....hmmm, seems that SMORES are on the Heavenly menu for this evening!!  Slew was scanning your Earthly internet when he came across THIS picture (below), which in turn he printed off and then said something about "doubling or tripling" the size...YIKES!!!

Um, we're not sure how he's going to get that to stand upright, but he did mumble something about duct tape and a tree branch!  HUH????  Anyways, back to the "tent" issue with Slew at it's helm...below is an Earthly photo of a guy who makes pitching this tent look easy....well, we'll see if Slew can follow these simple steps, er ah, "step"!!  Step 1: Throw the tent.  Why for some reason do I see Slew's tent ending up in either a)  a Heavenly creek or b)  a Heavenly tree??  We shall see!!!


A Cherub's Welcome To:

Double Notes
Beach Bottom Bay
Giant Legacy



  1. Having a blast on Picnic Day, y'all? Good!!

    Slew better not get into the smores before he tosses that tent...he could be stuck to it and find himself launched into the creek or tree!! The little man does make it look easypeasy, tho:)

    Me and Queen Helene are hanging out on the sofa tonight watching people hunt for homes. Having clay spread all over my face itches like crazy but the end results are fabulous. I'll bet that Ruffian would love to buy a tube or two, get the girls together and give facials to one another! It's such FUN!

    Thank you to the Big Big Boss above! The South Wing got 3/4" of rain last night. I am so, so thankful for it!!
    linda ~ ga

  2. Hi EH and Linda, GA!!
    WOW!! Those S'MORES LOOK SOOOOOOO GOOD!! I wish I had one right now!! :)

    Can't WAIT to read the update of how Mr. C. Attle Slew did with the 'tossinairandvoile-*tent*'!! I can only IMAGINE:)LOL

    I blue-ink-linked on the Front Porch just now, and am hoping others might stop in and enjoy the fun times rolling at HGF! Wheeee:)

    Monday is nearly done here in the westwing..and on to Tuesday we roll...Hope your dreams were sweet, everyone!
