Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wal-Mart......Here we come!!!

The "View Crew" have "left the Heavenly building"!!  That's right...the gang is making their way down to your local Earthly Wal-Mart and since I'm going along to chaperone, I know for sure that I'll have my Heavenly hands full!!  The gang is due to return to Heaven's Gate Farm on your Earthly Tuesday, so I'll report on all their shenanigans on your Earthly Wednesday!!  Remember....if any of you happen to be at your local Earthly Wal-Mart and you see something "odd", it could  very well be one of the "View Crew"!!!!

Till Wednesday everyone!!  Have a great Earthly weekend!!


  1. OMGosh, I've plans to go to Wally World tomorrow first thing in the morning to pick up kitteh and dogger treats! Badgley isn't happy with the few meager treats I've doled out to him this weekend cuz I'm trying to conserve and not run out! lol!! Sure do hope the View Crew is hanging around the Tifton store while I'm roaming the aisles:) If there isn't any Easter candy left, EH, tell Slew that our WW has the BEST dark chocolate covered (mock) blueberries that are oh so good!!! I might just have to get a tub when I'm there tomorrow:)

    I cannot wait for Wednesday to read of the shenanigans those equines and their posse have gotten into!!

    Barbaro, what did you think of Nicanor's race?! I know you were running right next to him, sweetie.

    linda ~ ga

  2. Wheeeee:) And I have to make a WW run TOMORROW, too!! Monday, that is....I'll be checking things out...listening for unusual noises like 'ohhhhhs and ahhhhhhs' and watching for empty candy wrappers and missing squeaks in googie toys, too!
    I must get kitteh litter while there and I've got such a hankering for 'anything' chocolate, I can hardly stand it!! Is it Monday morning...YETTTT??

    Philly Mickelson won the *MASTERS* today, everyone!! Wheeeeee to that as well! :) Great golf this weekend! He's such a sweetie, and his family is so srsly darling...I sure hope Amy will be just 'dine&fandy' soon!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!

  3. Good Mead Day mornin', y'all! The View Crew is out and about and, I'm sure, our sweet Farm Manager is being run ragged until they return later today. Such FUN!!

    No Wally World for me yesterday although I did go for a quick trip today. I'd found kitteh and dogger treats I'd put away and forgotten so I wasn't in a rush to buy:)

    One of the farms I pass by each day has beautiful paints in their pasture. Yesterday, on my way home, there was this BIG RED (chestnut?) horse standing near their gate, watching the lady of the farm enter. Its stance was beautiful!! Neck arched, holding stock still...I thought of our equines that were on the move and, I'm very sure, they were in that field, too!! I will have to look for that horse again on my way home tonight...

    Have a grand Toosday, y'all!!
    linda ~ ga ♥♥

  4. Happy Tuesday Night *MEAD* Everyone:)

    A bit warmer this Tuesday late afternoon here in the Westwing...but still too 'chillsey' for iced 'anything', another Girl Scout Cookie might be just right! Oh, how I long for Toosdae nights when a good, cold Beefeaters and Tonic would be just right! This 'Springtime' weather we've been experiencing this April is a far cry from 'Spring':/

    Yes...the Heavenly Farm Residents must be on their way home by now...and me too, I can't wait to read all about it! :)

    Have a great night!

  5. Bet our Heavenly Farm Manager is tuckered out from the View Crew's trip to Wally World! Rest up sweetie and let us know the shenanigans when you catch your breath!

    I asked my Piper and her friend Ceilidh to go meet Master Command @ the Bridge. They are good girls so I know that he was fine until everybody else came 'home'.
    linda ~ ga

  6. Good Friday Eve Everyone:)

    Got thinking I'd do a bit of Cloud Fluffing here y', as I was making my bed, I decided to take down the valances and remove all the '1,000' framed photos and doo-dahs from my dresser, pulled the scarf off said dresser and then removed all the 'necessary' things from night table so I could pull that cloth off too, and put everything into the washing machine to get cleaned up:) Did great getting them into the dryer...but by the time they dried, my 'get up had gotten gone'...last night, around 8:30 I realized if I wanted to actually get INTO my bed, I'd need to retrieve everything from the dang dryer and IRON them and put everything back from the bed to where they belong!! :/ I finished around 9:30p! LOL! Ah did get done:)

    Hope everyone has a good day today:)

  7. Happy Friday Everybody!!

    *MEAD* AND GREET AT *QUID'S* LAST DITCH night!! Yipppeeee-Skippppyyyyy!!!

    I read on the 'front porch' today is *RUFFIAN'S* BIRTHDAY...HAPPY, HAPPY DAY TO YOU, MS. *RUFFIAN* I know you're only given *SUNNY MOMENTS* to record there in Heaven:) Have a super-duper day....Make *BIG RED* take you SHOE SHOPPING!!! Wheeeeeeee!!!

    Skies are blue, sunshine abounds here this morning...I think we're in for another go-round of winter weather by Sunday night into will work on appreciating all this glorious weather for now:)

    I hope everyone has a GREAT/GRAND/WONDERFUL weekend!

    All horses EVERYWHERE putting hooves to tracks, glide swiftly and uneventfully..surrounded in God's White Light...cross the finish line, gallop out safely/soundly...I don't care 'where' you land it could be first or at the very end..just land SAFE! God Bless ALL the Horses:)

  8. Amen to that, Lynne:)

    Home today...had a facial peel yesterday and, as usual, it made my face puff up like a little toadyfrog. Always fun!! Bet Slew could whip up some sort of beautifying concoction that would equal the same results (on me)!! lol!!

    Happy birthday, Ruffian!! oxoxo
    linda ~ ga

  9. Cheers, y'all!! Pour me a mango martini and I'll be a happy girly:)
    linda ~ ga

  10. Well, y'all, it's Saturday in the South Wing. Where is everybody? Sheesh, it's lonely when you're the only one here on Saturday!!
    linda ~ ga

  11. Good Tuesday *MEAD* Day, Everyone!

    I NEVER seem to get here in time to toast a glass of spirits with the westwing/eastwing time, *CHEERS* to EVERYONE!! I believe it will have to be yet ANOTHER Girl Scout Cookie's cold and raining here....Mr. Finan, KCRA TV, Sacramento said last night..."light on/off again showers, no hours on hours of rain with this storm." Well...Mr. Finan....rong! LOL! It's been pretty much POURING here going on two hours now and it's just 9a in my foothills! :-O Well..the up-side to this weather is that the OAK POLLEN is floating by in a SRSLY rapid runoff from the culvert which goes under and across the front of my property:) Bye-Bye Oak Pollen...HELLO to my sneezes disappearing for a day or two:)

    Hope yole have a good day today!

  12. Happy Mead Day Toosday, y'all!

    Lynne, we've got pollen bad down here in the south wing, too. White cars are YELLOW, the top of my fridge in the garage is YELLOW, the run off from me watering the flowers in pots looks like a YELLOW river flowing down the driveway. I thank the Big Big Boss above daily that I'm not one who has allergies!! Glad to know your sneezes may stop for a day or two!

    Cheers, y'all:)
    linda ~ ga

  13. Could someone please tell me where the Pictures of our Pets, who went tolive in EQ, are located? I am Roy the Goldfish, Seigy, and Abercrombie and Fitch's Momma. I miss them.

    Thank you,

    Debbie Karst
